Wednesday, January 12, 2011

SUNDAY SNAPSHOT... (212 Degrees)

(Wk3) From Point A to Point B...

GROWING... The purpose of TEACHING is not for DISPENSATION but rather for APPLICATION!

-Discipleship to me is about turning an Audience into an ARMY!

Spiritual Growth is INTENTIONAL - You CHOOSE to GROW!
-You are only as close to God as you CHOOSE to be… STOP blaming others!

Spiritual Growth is INCREMENTAL - it doesn't happen overnite!

Spiritual Growth is PERSONAL - we're shaped by GOD! (2 Cor 5:13)

Spiritual Growth is HABITUAL - becoming habitually like CHRIST!

Spiritual Growth is RELATIONAL - you can only grow in COMMUNITY!
-You learn to LOVE by being around unLOVELY people!

Spiritual Growth is MULTI-DIMENSIONAL - it's done by DOING not KNOWING!

Spiritual Growth is SEASONAL - no Bible Character was always ON!
-What you do when you're DOWN will determined what you do the next time you're UP!

See ya at COC this week to find out more!
Maricopa Wells Middle School (9a/10:45a)

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