JOHN 3:16... For God so LOVED the world that He gave His only son, whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life! (CrAzY Love!)
What Jesus did at the CROSS and at the GRAVE is the greatest RESCUE OPERATION that's ever taken place in the world!
HOSANNA... 'Lord Save-Save Us Now!'
-The CRY out for Jesus!
- Have you CRIED this out to Him yet?
Jesus always wants to SAVE us from MORE than what we want to be SAVED from!
Mark 2:1-5 - As a follower... Don't get so concerned about the people IN THE HOUSE that you forget about the people OUTSIDE THE HOUSE!
John 3 (Nic at Nite)... Become 'BORN-AGAIN!'
Jesus was implying that SPIRITUAL BIRTHING requires a CAPABLE PARENT – not an ABLE INFANT!
Because of HIS VICTORY over DEATH through HIS RESURRECTION - You have access to His RESCUE!
Have you received HIS CrAzY LOVE today?
(Maricopa Wells Middle School / 9a & 10:45a)
NOTE... 82% of all unchurched people said they would come to church for Easter if only a friend invited them!! (WOW! What are you waiting for!?)
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