(2) The GRACE and TRUTH Paradox
"Even if you're on the right track...you'll eventually get run over if you just sit there!" ~Will Rogers~
(1) In The Beginning... GRACE (Mat Balgaard)
Grace simply means...
God took the Hell He didn't deserve so we could have the Heaven we don't deserve!
GRACE... “When we’re on the receiving end - it’s refreshing. When it’s required of us - it’s disturbing. When it’s correctly applied - it seems to solve just about everything!”
GRACE... “You can ask for it - beg for it - position yourself to receive it … BUT - the moment you think you deserve it - GRACE IS VOIDED!
GRACE... Birthed from Hopeless Inequity! Unmerited... Unearned... Undeserved!
GRACE... It’s never just enough... It’s always MORE THAN ENOUGH!
GRACE... Whereas God’s expressions of it are innumerable - His requirements for it were minimal!
GRACE... From the very beginning God has responded to the sin of humanity with Amazing Grace!
Don't Miss Sunday @ COC - GONNA BE AMAZING!!!!
MHS Performing Arts Center (9a/10:45a)