Friday, December 2, 2011

(Wk5) The "BUT" of ARGUMENT (Gideon)

The "BUT" of Argument (Gideon)…
God’s view of you ISN’T based on your PEDIGREE or PERFORMANCE - but rather your POTENTIAL & POSSIBILITY!

The "BUT" of Argument (Gideon)…
When God has Spoken - there’s no Second opinion! ESPECIALLY YOUR OWN!

The "BUT" of Argument (Gideon)…
Contrary to what you think - You’re NOT the World’s Leading EXPERT on Yourself… GOD IS!!

The "BUT" of Argument (Gideon)…
REALITY is the difference between THEOLOGY and “SEEOLOGY!"

The "BUT" of Argument (Gideon)…
Please know… God KNOWS your Weaknesses before He CALLS you! Therefore… your EXCUSES have no effect on Him!

The "BUT" of Argument (Gideon)…
OBEDIENCE brings FEARFUL Followers - FEARSOME Victories!

Don't Miss This One - Pastor Mat's gonna BRING IT!!!

LAST SUNDAY AT MWMS!!! (9a/10:45a)

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