Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm Still Alive!

I am still here! Missed a WHOLE WEEK! What kind of BLOGGER am I anyway!?

OK..OK..OK! I'm back - even if this one is short! I WILL be back tomorrow for a longer blogspot - with the SUNDAY SNAPSHOT back on schedule!

Forgive me for not 'Showing Up' last week! I gotta admit...I'm not even sure if anyone reads this blog or not - sometimes when I write I just feel like I'm alone on an island by myself (CASTAWAY) - thinking someone might read the message in the bottle I chuck in the ocean!?

SO...If you read this, I'd love to hear from you in a "Comment" from time to time! Let me know WHO you are and WHAT'S going on in your world! A bit of schizophrenia (sp?) creeps in the lonely world of blogging to "WHO KNOWS WHO!?"

Don't worry - I'm not losing it - if it sounds as if I am! I'll be back tomorrow clear minded! I'm just a little DAZED right now - I've been downloading EVERY CD I own into my iTunes Library today and I'm just entranced with the COMPUTER and hypnotized a bit!


RUNTHERACE! (Heb 12:1-2)

1 comment:

Daniel Forster said...

We are out here Paster Josh, keep it up.