Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Preparing for battle... EVERY DAY!

Today's post is a bit different... I thought I would just share some random 'THOUGHTS' that hit me from time to time. PLEASE... DO NOT READ INTO THEM! There is NOTHING really to read into to. I just thought I'd share a Pastor's Heart & Mind from time to time! You know... the PASTOR who is HUMAN!!!

I think one of my greatest challenges in ministry is DAILY preparing for COMBAT! Each battle is unique - each battle contains different strategies - however... EACH BATTLE HAS THE SAME ADVERSARY! "For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms." (Eph 6:12)

Fighting each day with the same intensity and tenacity is a spiritual, mental & physical battle! I admit... some days I am better equipped than others! Only when I 'PUT ON' the WHOLE Armor of God - do I defend myself better! (Eph 6:13-18)

Pastoring a Church can be a difficult thing at times - it usually becomes tougher when I think that I'm in control or allow myself to fall for the delusion that it is ME who is actually bearing the burdens! Who am I kidding... it's not humanly possible to do so! I cannot handle anything that God has not equipped me in handling! I know that... "I CAN DO ALL THINGS" - but it's when I leave out the MOST IMPORTANT 'THOUGHT' in that concept... "THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME" (you know... when my focus shifts from HE to ME) - that's where I usually blow it - and often!

I LOVE Pastoring & I count it a JOY to have been CALLED to plant the Church of Celebration! I must often remind myself that I did not choose it - HE chose me! Thank the Lord for giving me the strength & willingness to SUBMIT to His Call &... Deny Myself & Follow Him! I'm just admitting that it's tough sometimes - when my priorities are derailed - usually at my own doing. But... when it's not by my own hand - it's easy for me to lose sight of WHO'S HAND it may be coming from - either SATAN (The Father of Lies) - who's been GRANTED PERMISSION (by God) to TEMPT me with deception in my life - OR... MY GOD (The Way - The TRUTH - The Life) - who's counted me worthy to be TESTED (of whom much is given - much is required)! Either one... may I stay focused on WHO IT IS that gives me my power... "Be STRONG with the Lord's mighty power. PUT ON... ALL of God's Armor so you will be able to STAND FIRM against all the strategies and tricks (wiles) of the Devil!" (Eph 6:10-11)

Thanks for LISTENING! (All three of you!!! - lol!!)


Ultimate Fighting Challenge

You're in for a treat - Pastor Mat (Give/Go Pastor) will be teaching us this week how we effectively use the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS in our EVERY DAY BATTLE!

Praying for you - see you on Sunday!!

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