Friday, September 30, 2011


(Wk4) SATAN'S LIES... (Pastor Mat)

LIES and DECEPTION are Satan’s NATIVE Language!

(John 8:44) Satan is a Murderer withholding the TRUTH! There is NO TRUTH in him. His language is LIES! HE IS A LIAR and THE FATHER OF LIES!

Satan's LIE #1... Believe or Obey God - ONLY if what He requires MAKES SENSE to you! Don't FALL for it!

Satan's LIE #2... God isn’t completely GOOD! Look at how BAD the world is! Don't FALL for it!

Satan's LIE #3... When you do wrong it’s NOT really SIN - it’s just a MISTAKE! Don't FALL for it!

Satan's LIE #4... God is NOT to be FEARED! Don't FALL for it!

God says this about Satan's Lies regarding RULES...
It’s NEVER been about the RULE - it’s ALWAYS been about WHO made it!

JESUS... The Bar is HIGHER than you EVER IMAGINED! Your in MORE TROUBLE than Satan wants you to BELIEVE! You NEED GOD and He came to SET YOU FREE!

Don't miss the Sunday @ COC as Pastor Mat (our Exec Pastor) gives us a closer look at his LIES!

Maricopa Wells Middle School (9a/10:45a)

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