Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Her name is GINGER! She figuratively & literally "ROCKS" in more ways than one! My incredible wife has suffered from KIDNEY STONES for more than 1/2 her life! She literally has passed over 200+ Kidney Stones since she was 14 years old! Her tolerance for PAIN makes Rambo look like a GIRL & she handles herself with ELEGANCE & GRACE - in which you'd never KNOW SHE WAS SUFFERING!

Last Friday... she ENDURED her 5th LITHOTRIPSY - that's a Surgical Procedure that "BLASTS" a Kidney Stone which is too large to pass with a LASER - much like the 80's Arcade Game - ASTEROIDS! Nonetheless - the procedure itself isn't as painful as the DAYS TO FOLLOW - in which you still must PASS the particles once they are broken down! That evening - late - she passed her 1st round of well over 50 particles and about 6-7 of them which were large enough to put a GROWN MAN on his back - screaming for relief!

She's not out of the WOODS just yet - still enduring the PAIN - with still many to come! But she continues to WORK DILIGENTLY on "DUNK TOWN" - the COC's Summer Bible Club - which starts next week! All that SACRIFICE with LITERAL... BLOOD / SWEAT / TEARS for ONE GOAL... TO MAKE HIS NAME MORE FAMOUS! I know that I personally would COWER to such a task - but she THRIVES ON - making sure that KIDDOS all over MARICOPA hear about JESUS CHRIST in a way that they'll NEVER FORGET! That effort is WORTH the accolades in which she deserves from me - SHE'S MY HERO! (Always has been - Always will be!)

Please keep PRAYING that the remaining STONES pass Quickly and as QUIETLY as possible!

1 comment:

Lynn S. now of Michigan said...

Still praying for all of you.